OK- Kreativ In Den Boden's "Ars Goetia" will be out in February. 4 tracks: 3 dark electro tracks to enchant and 1 24-minute meditative tribute track to Elphias Levi. I'm very privileged to produce this excellent 12" EP for the world to absorb, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
I've set up a pre-order for the LP here-> Pre-order Ars Goetia It will ship in February, and has a lower price now than when it comes out.
The Air Hunger debut 7" EP is mastered and will be the next vinyl release. I know I've been talking about this record for over a year, but I expect it to be out by summer and in limited quantities.
I've curated the first "dark punk" compilation cassette and artwork for that is forthcoming from my good friend Jimmy Mercy.
Bands include: (in alphabetical order)
Air Hunger
Arctic Flowers
Blue Cross
Crimson Scarlet
Rule of Thirds
A few of the tracks are unreleased, but many of them have previously been released. I want to document the current scene before it disappears. I'm also taking submissions for volume two, however I have already asked over half of the bands for that.
After the compilation cassette, the Order of Night EP is the next tape release. Chicago gloom, please listen-> Order of Night
Gast are going to record a debut album soon and I'm proud to say that I'll be releasing that record from one my favorite US dark punk bands. If you haven't heard them yet and anguished, gloomy punk is your thing, then go to the Occult Whispers bandcamp and listen to their demo.
Wastelander from Michigan have also approached me about releasing their new LP, which is very exciting. It might not be Goth, but it will be exceedingly dark and definitely post-apocalyptic.
I have also been offered some split releases with a good friend's label, and if those pan out then I'll be posting about them.
I'm getting new stuff for the distro every week, so keep an eye on the Occult Whispers bigcartel page.
A few words for bands looking for labels to release their records- If you approach a label asking for someone to release your music, make sure you're prepared to do just as much work as the label will to promote your band. Your music has to be the best it can be: don't ask someone to spend $2000 to put out a record that you recorded live on your phone. Production doesn't have to be slick and polished, but it has to be appropriate. Songwriting is also crucial, so make sure you put effort into making each song memorable. Once you have good songs, rehearse them until you're tight and TOUR. TOUR TOUR TOUR. Don't ask a label in a different country to release your record if you have no intention or no resources to play there. Make sure you understand what format sells in the country or continent you are trying to be released. CDs will not sell in the US. Europe seems to prefer CDs. Many people in the underground will buy neither of these formats and will only download music for free. Keep that in mind.
Music should be free, but unfortunately records are not. If you like to listen to new music on vinyl, buy new music on vinyl. The Underground is thriving, let's keep it that way.
I want to hear your band. Please send me links.
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